AMI Solutions for the Labor Shortage in Manufacturing

Retaining and attracting quality workers is one of the top challenges facing the manufacturing industry. A recent survey found that the labor shortage in manufacturing is due to the aging and gradual retirement of baby boomers, as well as the changing interests of the younger generation.

Before the pandemic hit, the manufacturing industry was working to regain the momentum it had reached after the 2008 recession. However, the pandemic put a major halt to that effort and caused a significant dip in manufacturing employment levels. This was largely due to forced shutdowns and mandatory regulations such as social distancing and the lowered number of occupants allowed in a facility at once.

Manufacturing firms across the country are now dealing with the harsh reality of a wide disparity between the number of people entering the field of manufacturing and the needs of the industry. The ability to hit production goals and respond to new market opportunities is key to the success of any manufacturing business, and that requires an effective strategy for hiring, training, and retaining new workers.

Below are the steps AMI takes to attract and retain skilled workers, inspiring them to commit to our mission and surpass our customers’ expectations time and time again.

Automate and Optimize All Processes

Four years ago, AMI recognized the changing needs of the new workforce, as well as the growing gap in skills and interest. One of the ways we adapted was by making early investments in automation and process optimization including robotic machine tending, in-machine deburring, and automated measurement.

Our efforts to automate and optimize our processes have resulted in higher production rates, increased productivity, more efficient use of materials, and better product quality. It’s also had a positive impact on our employees including improved safety and reduced manual tasks that employees often find repetitive or boring.

Develop Training and Guidance Programs

At AMI, we can take on new employees with little to no experience and train them in a matter of 60 days. How do we do it? We focus on developing training and guidance programs that foster connections between our new and veteran employees. These programs help our inexperienced employees improve their skills through job shadowing and mentorship. And, they allow for the successful transfer of vital company information from senior employees to new hires.

Promote Advancement and Growth Opportunities

Our company debunks the myth that manufacturing jobs are limited to assembly lines with no paths for advancement. At AMI, that simply isn’t true. We provide career pathing opportunities to help our employees work toward significant advancements within the company. This enables them to identify internal opportunities that best align with their specific skills, experiences, competencies, interests, and preferences.

Prioritize Safety and Wellness

Speaking of myths, another common misconception is that all manufacturing jobs are dangerous and those who choose to go into the manufacturing industry are putting their lives at risk. At AMI, we believe a quality that makes us a top-performing organization is that we continually invest and believe in safety. A significant factor in our ability to retain skilled workers is our focus on ensuring a safe work environment and making sure all protocols are being followed at all times. This gives our employees peace of mind and shows them that we truly care about their well-being.

Encourage Open Communication

We encourage open communication because we believe that every employee’s voice deserves to be heard. Sure, companies can survive without open communication, but very few thrive without it. Our culture of openness, where employees are encouraged to share their unique ideas and concerns, makes them feel valued and leads to a greater sense of ownership in our company’s success. We want all our employees to feel proud to work for AMI.

Offer Competitive Pay and Benefits

At AMI, we recognize that we couldn’t do what we do without our talented team of employees. We reward them with competitive pay and benefits to show them just how valuable they are to us, as well as the future of our company. We evaluate our pay, benefits, and other perks and compare them to those of our competitors, to make sure our employees are receiving the very best.

We remain competitive and retain our employees by treating them the same way we treat our customers. We ask them what they want, make it easy for them to share feedback, are open to discussing pay, and so much more. Why? Because we care about each one of our employees and want to see them thrive in their careers at AMI.

About AMI

AMI (Ace Manufacturing Industries Inc.) is a family-owned business launched in 1992 with 5 employees in a 4,000 square foot machine shop by Tom Krouth. From its early foundation in the manufacturing of complex and precision machined components, AMI has evolved and grown by a factor of 20X through planned expansion of services, equipment, technology, staff, and facilities under the leadership of second-generation CEO, Kelley Krouth into a full-service supplier for custom manufactured OEM parts.

Our value-added services include collaborative design, machining, contract manufacturing, assembly, painting, raw material procurement, testing, inventory management, and more. By providing complex contract manufacturing services under one roof, we deliver reduced shipping and handling costs to all AMI customers.

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